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   * [[start|Welcome]]   * [[start|Welcome]]
 +  * [[:about_us|About Us]]
   * [[Articles]]   * [[Articles]]
     * [[Classical Epicurean Philosophy]]     * [[Classical Epicurean Philosophy]]
     * [[:getting_started|Getting Started]]     * [[:getting_started|Getting Started]]
 +    * [[:the_norm_is_pleasure_too|The Norm Is Pleasure Too]]
 +    * [[:the_full_cup_-_fullness_of_pleasure_model|The Fullness of Pleasure Model]]
     * [[:algebra_of_pleasure|Hu's On First - The Algebra of Pleasure]]     * [[:algebra_of_pleasure|Hu's On First - The Algebra of Pleasure]]
     * [[Major Characteristics Of The Epicurean View of Life]]     * [[Major Characteristics Of The Epicurean View of Life]]
     * [[Responding To Cicero]]     * [[Responding To Cicero]]
 +  * [[Courses]]
 +    * [[Canonics]]
   * [[:organizational_notes|Organizational Documents]]   * [[:organizational_notes|Organizational Documents]]
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 +    * [[:zoom_meeting_protocols|Zoom Meeting Protocols]]
   * [[Lucretius Today Podcast]]   * [[Lucretius Today Podcast]]
     * [[:lucretius_today_podcast_episode_summaries|Episode Guide]]     * [[:lucretius_today_podcast_episode_summaries|Episode Guide]]
-  * [[syntax|Wiki Syntax]]+    * [[:on_the_nature_of_the_gods_special_series|On The Nature of the Gods Special Series]] 
 +      * [[:episode_notes_-_on_the_nature_of_the_gods_series|Episodes Notes]] 
 +      * [[:outline_notes_-_on_the_nature_of_the_gods|Outline Notes]] 
 +  * [[:primary_texts|Primary Texts]] 
 +    *